
Quantum Technologies and Society


Here you can find links to radio programs discussing quantum technologies.

If you are willing to know whether or not quantum computer is a dream becoming true or not, we invite you to listen to this program of “science publique –France culture” on ‘Are computers becoming quantum ? with Philippe Grangier, Mazyar Mirrahimi and Sylvain Nascimbène.

To understand what is quantum compter you can watch this programabout  quatum computer  of “la Tête au carré- France inter”  with Pascale Senellart-Mardon, Antoine Browaeys, and  Benoit Valiron.

Short stories

Here you will find “short stories” about the physics of cold atoms. These are sound documents of each about 3 minutes illustrated with beautiful black and white photographs

Visit the site:

Quantum games

The aim of this game is to create  public awareness through Quantum Games. The RySQ partner has developed a quantum game, Germinate, which simulates the facilitation dynamics of Rydberg excitations in a 2D system of atoms, as is studied by several experimental and theoretical RySQ teams. In the development of the game RySQ benefitted from research visits and generous sharing of graphic material before publication from RySQ partners. A beta version of the game was sent to all RySQ partners in December 2016, and a “competition” will be launched to engage students and colleagues in RySQ in the further development of the game. The final version of the game is to be published soon, and another game, aimed at children is currently under development. The beta version is presently available here :

for Windows, click  at : here

for Mac click here

To download the instruction manual click here

If you have nice simple and interesting quantum information, stories or games to share with us, please feel free to contact us!